Friday, November 30, 2018

Decorating for Christmas with your Camper in Mind

 Are you thinking about decorating for Christmas with your camper in mind?  Here are a few cute ideas that I found while searching.  Enjoy the blessing of Christmas and the joy of the New Year!

Don't Forget to Decorate Inside: 

Blow Up Yard Decorations: 

Tree Ornaments: 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wine to Serve on a Budget for Thanksgiving 2018

Let's Have Great Wine this Thanksgiving!

Looking for a good wine at a budget price this Thanksgiving?

The Right Wine to Pair with Turkey:
7 Deadly Zins $14

The Lounge Around and Visit:
Treveri Cellars “Blanc de Blanc” Brut $14

The Right Wine to Pair with Ham:
Pinot Nior
Alma Rosa Santa Rta Hills 2008 $20

If you like sweet wine try a nice Moscato.

Image result for moscatoImage result for stella rosa moscato
Risata Moscato $17
Stella Rosa Moscato $14

Happy Turkey Day Everyone!!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Cooking a Turkey on the Grill for Thanksgiving Camping RV

Image result for cooking a turkey on grill
Thanksgiving is coming up and you are looking forward to having turkey but there is no way that giant turkey is going to fit in your oven.  Here is a link for cooking your turkey while you are camping. 

Cooking your turkey on a gas grill using in-direct heat!

1.  Place the bird on the side where the burners are off. 
2.  Make sure your temperature is at 350 degrees.
3.  Follow the cooking directions on your bird
4.  Place a pan underneath the turkey as it will have lots of drippings.
5.  Turn your turkey so they legs are facing towards the opening of the grill.
6.  Use a meat thermometer to make sure your turkey is cooked     correctly.

Happy Thanksgiving...You turkey Lovers!!